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Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures

We take the safety of our students seriously. Please review our Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures to ensure a safe, effective drop off and pick up process. 

7:40-8AM & 3:10-3:40PM

The purpose of the Park Hill Circle Drive is a continuous moving lane once drop-off or the dismissal process begins. Using this lane requires the following:

  • Children must be able to independently get in and/or out of the vehicle on the sidewalk side.
  • Children must be quick.
  • Children must not need last minute attire adjustments, after school messages, etc...
  • Children must be comfortable leaving the guardian.
  • Drivers must never park and leave their car unattended.
  • Drivers must watch the circle drive support staff and pull forward when requested.
  • Please share these guidelines with grandparents, babysitters, etc…

If you need more time, we ask that you use our parking lot. We understand that some children need extra hugs, assistance with their seats, or additional emotional support, and the parking lot is the safest place for all of this to occur!

We ask that you respect all drivers by following the guidelines. The process does require that drivers read the movement of the lane.

All cars in the parking lot must use the painted stalls. 

Specific Morning Arrival Procedures: 

If you are dropping off in the Circle Drive, please only drop students off by using the lane against the sidewalk. Say your goodbyes and make sure students have everything they need before exiting the vehicle.

If you are dropping off in the main parking lot, you must park your vehicle in a painted stall to allow a safer exit for your student. Please do not use the small parking lot and do not stop along the side of the building.


Please note that students must be inside the building before 8:00 (9:00 on Monday). Students who enter the building after the 8:00 bell are marked tardy. Please plan enough time in the morning to arrive and ensure your child is in the building by 8:00 (9:00 on Monday).

Specific After School Dismissal Procedures:

Kindergarten and 1st Grade Students will not be allowed to be picked up in the Circle Drive. These students will be waiting in the front for their adult to walk up to get them.

  • 3:15 - Kindergarten is dismissed, they will be waiting in the sidewalk circle.
  • 3:17 -1st grade, latchkey, and walkers will be dismissed, 1st will be by the benches/flag pole.
  • 3:20 - 2nd-5th will have zones outside (see the image below). 

Big siblings will not leave early, they will stay with their class to head outside for pick-up. 


Circle Drive - 2nd through 5th Grade Students ONLY:

  • We now have two lanes.
  • For cars that arrive early, please stop at the crosswalk in the Circle Drive. Lines will go from the entrance of the Circle Drive to the Crosswalk.
  • To help the process go faster, cars must display their Family Pick Up Number.
  • Students must be able to get in the vehicle by themselves.
  • Do not get out of the vehicle to help your student.
  • Please follow the directions of our staff and keep the line moving.


  • Parents may park in a painted stall in the main parking lot to walk up to get their child.
  • Parents need to utilize crosswalks when accessing their children.
  • Please do not park along the street in front of the building.

Map for After School Dismissal:

Park Hill Circle Drive Map